Welcome to the introduction of

My Past and Current Projects

By ​mastering concepts from Geoinformatics, remote sensing, and computer science, I tried to address highly interdisciplinary topics in different projects.

Short story:

Keep progressing, problem solving, and novel ideas

Since 2010, when I finished my B.Sc. in natural resource engineering and environmental science, I have been actively involved in multidiciplinary projects requiring a background in computer science, environemtal science, and Geoinformatics, in both academia and industry.

I gained experience in conducting research as part of a multidisciplinary group at Aalto University. This experience continues to improve my ability for teamwork, cooperation, and communication while leading my projects independently and maturely.

My doctoral program project:

Looking for a better understanding of the ecosystem functionings

My dissertation explored the advantages of using optical satellite remote sensing to understand the dynamics of ecosystems (e.g., forests and wetlands) to provide insight into their states and responses to disturbances. 


A web application to explore albedo:

Land surface albedo on a global scale

Forests are critical in regulating climate by altering the Earth's surface albedo. Therefore, there is an urgent need to enhance our knowledge about the effects of forest structure on albedo. In this web application, I presented a global assessment of the links between forest structure and albedo at a 1-km spatial resolution using generalized additive models (GAMs). I used remotely sensed data to obtain variables representing forest structure, including forest density, leaf area index, and tree cover, during the peak growing season in 2005 with pure forest pixels that cover ~7% of the Earth's surface:

Albedo App

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